Fix Pubg Login Problem Please wait 4m before logging in again pubg mobile
This tutorial is about how to fix please wait 4m before logging in again pubg mobile.
This 2023 released solution works for all android mobile,ios iphone and pc also.
But always use new update of pubg app and the version is 1.2 or 1.3.0 or 1.3 on your phone.
At same time this error is occurs on pubg lite global version,so you can use the pubg kr version.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to login my pubg account :
Please wait 4m before logging in again or Please wait 299 seconds
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How to solve pubg login problem in season 18 :
1.Some user's are ask what is the meaning of this issue and why this happening?.
2.So if you try to sign in your pubg game account using with facebook or twitter, that time if you continuously press this login options it shows this kind of error message.
4.So first they show "Please wait 5s before logging in again".
5.And the count down 5s,4s,3s,2s and 1s finished it shows 3m and 2m waiting time period.
6.So to avoid this kind of situations just install any vpn from play store.
7.And then try to login your same pubg mobile account,and the problem is fixed.
8.But if without vpn or no vpn is installed,not possible to fix this issue.
#pubgloginproblem #pubgpleasewait4m #loginerrorpubgmobile