Fix You Are Following Too Fast Tiktok Error In Android Mobile & Ios
I get the following error notification while i try to tapping the follow request to my tik tok friend's :
You're following too fast.
This tutorial is about how to solve you are following too fast.
What is the meaning of this message?...If you sent the multiple requests to tiktok user they may be block your account.
But if not do this process may be this tiktok couldn't follow account.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,hindi,telugu and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
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how to make tiktok stop saying you're following too fast :
1.Lot's of users are raising one question about what to do when tiktok says you are following too fast?.
2.So if you want to stop this type of notifications,first of all cancel all the request.
3.Which means that unfollow all the accounts.
4.And then open the profile one by one and sent one more time.
5.Finally this problem is automatically fix.
6.Another way to get rid of this issue is you can send the unblock message from your tiktok id to this team.
7.This trick is 2022 released and works for all android mobile and ios iphone.
8.If you do this steps in future this problem is not showing on your newsfeed.
#youarefollowingtoofast #tiktokproblem #tiktokfollowrequest