This Item was Encoded in a Format That’s not Supported Error Code 0xc00d5212 in Windows 11 & 10
How to fix "Missing codec" error when playing HD or 4K video in H.265 codec with this error message: "This item was encoded in a format that’s not supported." Error code: 0xc00d5212
Convert video to another format to solve:
This error usually is related to missing video codec to play HEVC or High Efficiency Video Coding in windows 11, windows 10 and older versions.
For more and updated details and to download required files, open and read this topic:
download the missing/corrupt codec for the error code 0xc00d5212 from Microsoft’s website.
this item was encoded in a format that's not supported. 0xc00d5212 groove music
git is encoded in an unsupported format and was not checked!
this item was encoded in a format 0xc00d5212 MKV
Microsoft codec 0xc00d5212 download
missing codec 0xc004f011 windows 10
sorry this video is encoded in a format that is not supported OneDrive
Microsoft codec 0xc00d5212 download
download the missing/corrupt codec for the error code 0xc00d5212 from Microsoft’s website.
missing codec 0xc00d5212 MKV, AVI, MP4, MPEG
groove error 0xc00d5212
windows video media error 0xc00d5212 while reading unity
0xc00d5212 premiere pro
Falta un códec 0xc00d5212