⭐️ How To Sign Up & Hire on Freelancer.com (Step by Step) // Freelancer For Beginners
First, create an account on Freelancer.com. Once you have verified your email address, you can begin posting projects. To post a project, simply click the "Post a Project" button on the top right-hand side of the page.
You will then be prompted to fill out a form with your project details. Be as specific as possible in your project description so that freelancers can accurately submit bids.
Once you have posted your project, freelancers will begin submitting bids.
You can view each freelancer's profile and portfolio before making a decision. Once you have selected a freelancer, simply click the "Hire" button on their bid.
You will then be prompted to create milestone payment. Milestones are simply payments that are released to the freelancer as they complete certain tasks or deliverables. This system protects both parties and ensures that the work
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